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Dive deep into the world of myths, fairy tales and Slavic folklore so that your soul will rise to the surface and show you the meaning of all the colors of your life

On that journey I help you through

A podcast that brings you closer to myths and fairy tales, your creativity and imagination

Which include the lecture "3 keys to the interpretation of myths and fairy tales" and an e-book on Slavic mythology

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Do you know that fairy tales and myths were originally intended for adults, not for children, in order to navigate them psychologically and morally on their life's journey?

Namely, these universal, archetypal and timeless stories carry an essential message about fundamental human conflicts and patterns, and because of their eternal relevance, they are a valuable resource especially when we are confused, overwhelmed or lost.

Therefore, take a look at their other side of interpretation and deepen your understanding of their hidden symbolism.


Knock-knock, it's Lorena, storyteller and interpreter of myths and fairy tales (read: I "translate" their symbols, characters and motifs into everyday language). I stand behind the world of Once Upon a Time in Croatia. I'm here to help you look at the other side of myths and fairy tales and with their help you understand and accept all phases of your life, connect with folklore and ultimately find a personal definition of "being yourself".

I am naturally a researcher and dancer at heart, a lover of alternative history and culture of ancient civilizations, and I am in eternal search of new knowledge. And as a Sagittarius and a born optimist, I believe in a world of unlimited possibilities and freedom of expression.

I am being treated for a syndrome "good girls", "people pleasing", perfectionism, and eternal intellectualization and being (only) "in the head". I'm on my healing path found fairy tales, myths and folklore as true medicine for my soul and a signpost that directs me towards a life that is completein accordance with me.


Hi, I'm Lorena, educator, interpreter of myths and certified moderator of women's circles, and since the summer of 2020 I've been creating the magical world "Once upon a time in Croatia" which brings a view from the other side of Slavic mythology, fairy tales and folklore

A producer from Zagreb who, as a child, wanted to be a florist, ballerina, archaeologist and ethnologist. A lover of ancient fairy tales and myths, which I consider personal teachers of my life journey, which I build in accordance with my wishes and dreams. to share my passion and need to delve deeper into ancient stories and connect with souls I share the same wavelengths with.


Bok, ja sam Lorena, edukatorica, interpretatorica mitova i bajki te certificirana moderatorica ženskih krugova. Od ljeta 2020. kreiram čaroban svijet “Once upon a time in Croatia” koji donosi pogled s druge strane svjetskih i slavenskih mitskih božica te junakinja bajki

Producentica iz Zagreba koja je kao mala htjela biti cvjećarka, balerina, arheologinja i etnologinja. Zaljubljenica u drevne bajke i mitove koje smatram osobnim učiteljima mojeg životnog putovanja kojeg gradim u skladu sa svojim željama i snovima.  Drago mi je u ulozi interpretatorice mitologije, storytelling edukatorice te certificirane moderatorice ženskih krugova s tobom mogu podijeliti svoju strast i potrebu za dubljim istraživanjem drevnih priča i povezivanjem s dušama s kojima dijelim iste valne duljine.

Podcast "Stories by the Fire"

With Stories by the Fire brought to you by Lorena from Once Upon a Time in Croatia, dive deep into the world of myths, fairy tales and Slavic folklore so that your soul will rise to the surface and show you the meaning of all the colors of your life. The third season of the podcast is marked by the fairy tales of the book "Women Who Run with the Wolves" in which we follow the clues to the discovery of the primordial female nature, while the first two are dedicated to the stories and archetypes of Slavic mythology.

Enjoy this exploration of the other side of myths and fairy tales - the original maps and wise guideposts of our lives.
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Do you want to treat your team to unique team building with a taste of Slavic mythology?


Your wish becomes a reality!

In cooperation with the Fairytale Forest, which is located in the heart of Međimurje, we designed 3 themed team-building events, the mission of which is for your team to connect more deeply with each other, get to know our cultural heritage, and at the same time hone presentation and storytelling skills. And all this with 100% play and creativity, and 0% creation of competition, because we want to create an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation.

Choose from these ideas:

  • " Slavic mythological market";

  • "Create a Slavic play";

  • "Women's circle with Slavic goddesses"

Remember that each proposal can be personalized regarding your additional ideas and wishes, the number of participants, and the duration of the team building.

Guest storyteller at cultural events, manifestations, festivals and conferences

I love visiting various cultural and artistic events where there are good vibes. There, I gladly translate my love for Slavic mythology, mythical creatures, fairy tales, archetypes and folklore into interactive creative story rooms and workshops for children and adults.

So far, I have had the honor and pleasure of attending Perunfest in 2021, 2022 and 2023, Days of Slavic Heritage, Days of Dubrava, Forest Farm, InBook in Vinkovci and the 6th Storytelling Conference in Varaždin.


The guiding thread of my guest appearances is a personalized approach to each new opportunity and the audience I will meet there.

See you at your place as a guest speaker and storyteller.


Do you want to go on a personal journey of your growth and development through the interpretation of fairy tales and myths and the archetypal analysis of fairy tale heroines and mythical goddesses?

Great, you are in the right place. Enter your information and we will head to the place where you find lost parts of yourself and live your desires and dreams with the help of mythical goddesses and fairy tale heroines.

A gift has arrived in your mailbox. Thank you for becoming part of the Once upon a time in Croatia community.

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