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Mitski team building s okusom slavenske mitologije

U suradnji s Bajkovitom šumom koja se nalazi u srcu Međimurja, osmislili smo 3 prijedloga tematskih team buildinga kojima je misija da se tvoj team međusobno dublje poveže, upozna s našom kulturnom baštinom i pritom brusi vještine prezentacije i storytellinga. I to sve uz 100% igre i kreativnosti, a 0% stvaranja kompeticije i  natjecanja jer želimo stvoriti atmosferu sklada i suradnje.


Slavenska mitološka tržnica

Trajanje: 2 sata

Lokacija: Tematski park “Bajkovita šuma”, Lopatinec

Grupe: do 25 osoba

  • Što ako me privlače ove teme, a nisam se ranije susrela s knjigom "Žene koje trče s vukovima?
    Ja kažem: "nema veze". Ako te je nešto dublje privuklo bez obzira na spomenutu knjigu, to je i i više nego dovoljno. Nije nužno da si (pro)čitala knjigu "Žene koje trče s vukovima". Na susretu pripovjedam bajku i nakon toga te vodim kroz njezino dublje tumačenje i interpretaciju. P.S.: Susreti su otvoreni za žene svih dobi bez obzira na profesionalnu pozadinu, znanje i iskustvo. :) ​
  • Zašto nisi obradila sve bajke iz knjige, prema njihovom redoslijedu?
    U ovaj sam ciklus uvrstila one bajke i njihove teme koje sam duboko osjetila na svojoj koži i s njima sam se povezala na osobnoj razini. Osjećajući ih na taj način, jedino tako mogu punopravno stajati iza njihovog pripovjedanja i interpretacije, inače sve ostaje u sferi teorije, a to mi nije namjera s kojom pristupam svojem radu i djelovanju. Također sam prilagodila redoslijed bajki koje prate pojedino godišnje doba, njegov ugođaj i arhetipske osobine koje su komplementare s temama priča.
  • It's still not clear to me exactly what a female mythical encounter is. Can you further explain to me what the concept is about?
    Consider the meeting a creative workshop, the backbone of which is work with the world of imagination, archetypes and creative expression through a fairy tale and/or mythical story. You can think of it as a gym for your creativity muscle and self-reflection skills. And as a bridge to your subconscious world where the archetypes themselves are found. Some women described the meeting as a perfect "escape" from the harsh everyday life and roles (mothers, wives, daughters, employees, entrepreneurs...) in which they should be "perfect". Meetings are based on 6 key values which are normally nurtured within women's circles: The uniqueness of every woman's life path Common agreements aimed at creating a safe space and trust, sharing personal experiences and emotions (and laughter and tears) Equality of each participant Active listening and presence of each participant (no giving advice unless the person specifically requests it) Honest, open and transparent communications Vulnerability that is valued and respected And later informal socializing is like "icing on the cake" and is optional in nature.
  • I'm an introvert by nature, so I get (a little) anxious when I'm in a circle of unknown people. How many of us are there at the meeting?
    I myself have one foot deep in the world of introverts, so I am at a meeting of up to 10 women. This is a fact that I believe will encourage you to come anyway. :) But the most important thing of all - take it easy and give yourself time (we are surrounded by the phrase "get out of your comfort zone" too much). This feeling was felt by some women in past meetings (the type when they had to introduce themselves), but then it was somehow immediately relieving for that person to hear that others felt the same way. Before I started "honing" my presentation skills myself, I was like that. I felt terrible when I had to say something in front of a group of people (that's why I didn't raise my hand in the air in high school when I wanted to say something in class). Until I came to presentation skills training and saw that I could still do it. My self-confidence came with the action when I said to myself, "well, I managed to present it anyway, and I'm working on some mistakes for the next time". Even today it came to the fact that I actually adore the "performance". This is a clear example that you know that a lot of things are realistically possible for you too.
  • Who is this meeting NOT for?
    Not for: that woman who is skeptical about working with archetypes through myth and fairy tale does not believe or agree with the Jungian approach to the analysis of dreams, fairy tales and myths who is persuaded to come to the meeting who frantically goes from workshop to workshop (or self-help book/new age technique) because she is looking for a "key" solution to her problem or need who is looking for an opportunity to be in the center of attention of (un)famous people who is not interested in personal development
  • Jesam li članica Kluba mitskih žena?
    Ukoliko si kupila mitski e-paket "Pronađi sebe u vilinskom krugu slavenskiih božica i bića" ili sudjelovala na jednom ženskom mitskom susretu ili krugu 2022. godine, daaa! Ti si TA mitska žena (nije nužno da si unutar istoimene Facebook grupe) i ostvaruješ pogodnost od 10% popusta na cijene ulaznica za ovogodišnje susrete. :)
  • How can I get to the meeting location?
    The location is about 25 minutes by car from the center of Zagreb, and you also have the option of arriving by tram and bus (the bus stop is only half a minute's walk from the address itself). You will receive the exact address after sending the payment confirmation.
  • Is there a possibility to return the money?
    It is not possible to get a refund, but you can transfer the ticket to another name, no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.
  • What if you cancel the meeting and I have already paid for my place?
    Don't worry. In case of such situations, I will refund the full amount of your payment, no later than seven days after the cancellation.

Kreiraj slavenski igrokaz

Trajanje: 3 sata

Lokacija: Tematski park “Bajkovita šuma”, Lopatinec

Grupe: do 25 osoba

  • Što ako me privlače ove teme, a nisam se ranije susrela s knjigom "Žene koje trče s vukovima?
    Ja kažem: "nema veze". Ako te je nešto dublje privuklo bez obzira na spomenutu knjigu, to je i i više nego dovoljno. Nije nužno da si (pro)čitala knjigu "Žene koje trče s vukovima". Na susretu pripovjedam bajku i nakon toga te vodim kroz njezino dublje tumačenje i interpretaciju. P.S.: Susreti su otvoreni za žene svih dobi bez obzira na profesionalnu pozadinu, znanje i iskustvo. :) ​
  • Zašto nisi obradila sve bajke iz knjige, prema njihovom redoslijedu?
    U ovaj sam ciklus uvrstila one bajke i njihove teme koje sam duboko osjetila na svojoj koži i s njima sam se povezala na osobnoj razini. Osjećajući ih na taj način, jedino tako mogu punopravno stajati iza njihovog pripovjedanja i interpretacije, inače sve ostaje u sferi teorije, a to mi nije namjera s kojom pristupam svojem radu i djelovanju. Također sam prilagodila redoslijed bajki koje prate pojedino godišnje doba, njegov ugođaj i arhetipske osobine koje su komplementare s temama priča.
  • It's still not clear to me exactly what a female mythical encounter is. Can you further explain to me what the concept is about?
    Consider the meeting a creative workshop, the backbone of which is work with the world of imagination, archetypes and creative expression through a fairy tale and/or mythical story. You can think of it as a gym for your creativity muscle and self-reflection skills. And as a bridge to your subconscious world where the archetypes themselves are found. Some women described the meeting as a perfect "escape" from the harsh everyday life and roles (mothers, wives, daughters, employees, entrepreneurs...) in which they should be "perfect". Meetings are based on 6 key values which are normally nurtured within women's circles: The uniqueness of every woman's life path Common agreements aimed at creating a safe space and trust, sharing personal experiences and emotions (and laughter and tears) Equality of each participant Active listening and presence of each participant (no giving advice unless the person specifically requests it) Honest, open and transparent communications Vulnerability that is valued and respected And later informal socializing is like "icing on the cake" and is optional in nature.
  • I'm an introvert by nature, so I get (a little) anxious when I'm in a circle of unknown people. How many of us are there at the meeting?
    I myself have one foot deep in the world of introverts, so I am at a meeting of up to 10 women. This is a fact that I believe will encourage you to come anyway. :) But the most important thing of all - take it easy and give yourself time (we are surrounded by the phrase "get out of your comfort zone" too much). This feeling was felt by some women in past meetings (the type when they had to introduce themselves), but then it was somehow immediately relieving for that person to hear that others felt the same way. Before I started "honing" my presentation skills myself, I was like that. I felt terrible when I had to say something in front of a group of people (that's why I didn't raise my hand in the air in high school when I wanted to say something in class). Until I came to presentation skills training and saw that I could still do it. My self-confidence came with the action when I said to myself, "well, I managed to present it anyway, and I'm working on some mistakes for the next time". Even today it came to the fact that I actually adore the "performance". This is a clear example that you know that a lot of things are realistically possible for you too.
  • Who is this meeting NOT for?
    Not for: that woman who is skeptical about working with archetypes through myth and fairy tale does not believe or agree with the Jungian approach to the analysis of dreams, fairy tales and myths who is persuaded to come to the meeting who frantically goes from workshop to workshop (or self-help book/new age technique) because she is looking for a "key" solution to her problem or need who is looking for an opportunity to be in the center of attention of (un)famous people who is not interested in personal development
  • Jesam li članica Kluba mitskih žena?
    Ukoliko si kupila mitski e-paket "Pronađi sebe u vilinskom krugu slavenskiih božica i bića" ili sudjelovala na jednom ženskom mitskom susretu ili krugu 2022. godine, daaa! Ti si TA mitska žena (nije nužno da si unutar istoimene Facebook grupe) i ostvaruješ pogodnost od 10% popusta na cijene ulaznica za ovogodišnje susrete. :)
  • How can I get to the meeting location?
    The location is about 25 minutes by car from the center of Zagreb, and you also have the option of arriving by tram and bus (the bus stop is only half a minute's walk from the address itself). You will receive the exact address after sending the payment confirmation.
  • Is there a possibility to return the money?
    It is not possible to get a refund, but you can transfer the ticket to another name, no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.
  • What if you cancel the meeting and I have already paid for my place?
    Don't worry. In case of such situations, I will refund the full amount of your payment, no later than seven days after the cancellation.

Ženski krug sa slavenskim božicama

Trajanje: 2 sata

Lokacija: Tematski park “Bajkovita šuma”, Lopatinec

Grupe: do 10 osoba, samo za žene

  • Što ako me privlače ove teme, a nisam se ranije susrela s knjigom "Žene koje trče s vukovima?
    Ja kažem: "nema veze". Ako te je nešto dublje privuklo bez obzira na spomenutu knjigu, to je i i više nego dovoljno. Nije nužno da si (pro)čitala knjigu "Žene koje trče s vukovima". Na susretu pripovjedam bajku i nakon toga te vodim kroz njezino dublje tumačenje i interpretaciju. P.S.: Susreti su otvoreni za žene svih dobi bez obzira na profesionalnu pozadinu, znanje i iskustvo. :) ​
  • Zašto nisi obradila sve bajke iz knjige, prema njihovom redoslijedu?
    U ovaj sam ciklus uvrstila one bajke i njihove teme koje sam duboko osjetila na svojoj koži i s njima sam se povezala na osobnoj razini. Osjećajući ih na taj način, jedino tako mogu punopravno stajati iza njihovog pripovjedanja i interpretacije, inače sve ostaje u sferi teorije, a to mi nije namjera s kojom pristupam svojem radu i djelovanju. Također sam prilagodila redoslijed bajki koje prate pojedino godišnje doba, njegov ugođaj i arhetipske osobine koje su komplementare s temama priča.
  • It's still not clear to me exactly what a female mythical encounter is. Can you further explain to me what the concept is about?
    Consider the meeting a creative workshop, the backbone of which is work with the world of imagination, archetypes and creative expression through a fairy tale and/or mythical story. You can think of it as a gym for your creativity muscle and self-reflection skills. And as a bridge to your subconscious world where the archetypes themselves are found. Some women described the meeting as a perfect "escape" from the harsh everyday life and roles (mothers, wives, daughters, employees, entrepreneurs...) in which they should be "perfect". Meetings are based on 6 key values which are normally nurtured within women's circles: The uniqueness of every woman's life path Common agreements aimed at creating a safe space and trust, sharing personal experiences and emotions (and laughter and tears) Equality of each participant Active listening and presence of each participant (no giving advice unless the person specifically requests it) Honest, open and transparent communications Vulnerability that is valued and respected And later informal socializing is like "icing on the cake" and is optional in nature.
  • I'm an introvert by nature, so I get (a little) anxious when I'm in a circle of unknown people. How many of us are there at the meeting?
    I myself have one foot deep in the world of introverts, so I am at a meeting of up to 10 women. This is a fact that I believe will encourage you to come anyway. :) But the most important thing of all - take it easy and give yourself time (we are surrounded by the phrase "get out of your comfort zone" too much). This feeling was felt by some women in past meetings (the type when they had to introduce themselves), but then it was somehow immediately relieving for that person to hear that others felt the same way. Before I started "honing" my presentation skills myself, I was like that. I felt terrible when I had to say something in front of a group of people (that's why I didn't raise my hand in the air in high school when I wanted to say something in class). Until I came to presentation skills training and saw that I could still do it. My self-confidence came with the action when I said to myself, "well, I managed to present it anyway, and I'm working on some mistakes for the next time". Even today it came to the fact that I actually adore the "performance". This is a clear example that you know that a lot of things are realistically possible for you too.
  • Who is this meeting NOT for?
    Not for: that woman who is skeptical about working with archetypes through myth and fairy tale does not believe or agree with the Jungian approach to the analysis of dreams, fairy tales and myths who is persuaded to come to the meeting who frantically goes from workshop to workshop (or self-help book/new age technique) because she is looking for a "key" solution to her problem or need who is looking for an opportunity to be in the center of attention of (un)famous people who is not interested in personal development
  • Jesam li članica Kluba mitskih žena?
    Ukoliko si kupila mitski e-paket "Pronađi sebe u vilinskom krugu slavenskiih božica i bića" ili sudjelovala na jednom ženskom mitskom susretu ili krugu 2022. godine, daaa! Ti si TA mitska žena (nije nužno da si unutar istoimene Facebook grupe) i ostvaruješ pogodnost od 10% popusta na cijene ulaznica za ovogodišnje susrete. :)
  • How can I get to the meeting location?
    The location is about 25 minutes by car from the center of Zagreb, and you also have the option of arriving by tram and bus (the bus stop is only half a minute's walk from the address itself). You will receive the exact address after sending the payment confirmation.
  • Is there a possibility to return the money?
    It is not possible to get a refund, but you can transfer the ticket to another name, no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.
  • What if you cancel the meeting and I have already paid for my place?
    Don't worry. In case of such situations, I will refund the full amount of your payment, no later than seven days after the cancellation.
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