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Be reborn with Women Who Run with the Wolves

8 live women's mythical encounters in Zagreb inspired by the most famous "Bible for every woman" by Clarisse Pinkole Estes

8 fairy tales - 8 aspects of a woman - 8 months

through 3 seasons


Join 50+ mythical women who have dived deep into themselves and experienced the magic of female mythical encounters

You are a woman..?


who was raised as a "good girl" - always polite, good, sweet, obedient, never says NO, and is happy if others are happy around her? A villa would be good for masquerades.

or have you always been a witch at heart, and Wednesday is your favorite series on Netflix?

Now it's bothering you...


You are tired of "having to" and "needing". For too long you have been listening to others and too little to yourself.

You worry so much about what others will think of you that you are already getting on your own nerves, and pleasing others is known to you as a "good day".

You live in 5th gear and "work, work, work", but you don't know (how to) slow down, and you feel that you need it. You value rest only in theory, but you don't know how to turn it into practice.

You have achieved everything you set out to do in life, but you still feel "empty" or burnt out.

If someone asked you: "How are you?", your honest answer would be: "Lost".

What do you most want...?

To truly know your original feminine nature? Archetypal female characters (mythical goddesses and fairy tale heroines) attract you, but you haven't worked with them in depth yet.

Ignite your creative energy and through creative expression (drawing, painting, working with clay, dancing, writing...) get in touch with yourself (after a long time)?

To peel back imposed social layers and remove them in order to reveal her true self (whomever she is)?

Living the word "authenticity" and feeling fulfilled and satisfied in your own skin?

And what is your relationship with the book "Women Who Run with the Wolves"?

(choose the answer that resonates with you the most)

a) It is your favorite book of all time.

b) You started to read it, but it was difficult for you to understand and quite intense (so you gave up on it in an instant).

c) You have a great desire to read it, but you cannot pick it up. It has been sitting on your bookshelf for a long time and you look at it, and she looks at you.

You are not the only one, all this is very familiar to me.

Hey, I'm Lorena Vlahovski and this is my long story short.

Since I was little, I was identified with the title "good girls" which, upon entering high school and enrolling in a production at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, mixed with a chronic addiction to control, planning, and running for success according to the standards of my immediate and wider environment. There was also Lorena, who loved dancing, watching the show "On the Edge of Science" and exploring all the mystical secrets of ancient civilizations, but she was never in the forefront.


In 2018, I did not attend lectures on Slavic mythology. 2019 I was in the bookstore in December 2019 and intuitively chose the book "Women Who Run With Wolves", and then a few months later, in March 2020, it didn't Corona knocked on our door. 3 key moments that directed my life in a completely unexpected new direction, guess which one!


In June 2020, I started creating the world Once upon a time in Croatia in which he now lives over 4000 lovers of myths and ancient fairy tales - stories that are not just for small children, but are a universal, archetypal mix of life truths and signposts wisely packaged through symbols and metaphors.

In the meantime, I listened to my intuition and a series of synconicity that led me to world mythologists and Jungian psychoanalysts such as Maria Souiza, Sharon Blackie, Faranak Mirjalili (Anima Mundi School), and Clarisse Pinkole Estes with the help of which I deepened my knowledge about the interpretation of myths and fairy tales, the symbolic meaning of their motives and characters, and the most important -revealed a personal definition of the phrase "being yourself".

And learning from Jasna Held, our most famous Croatian storyteller, I found the storyteller in myself.

Now my mission is to explore the original female nature in mythical goddesses and fairy tale heroines and share it all with you.

That's why I created the cycle of women's mythical encounters "Reborn with Women Who Run With Wolves" and how would together they revive this kind of "Bible for every woman" which has changed many women's lives and the way they perceive their feminine nature.

Are you ready to reject the imposed image of the woman you should be and embrace the image of the woman you want to be?

And at the same time:

  • Get to know the different aspects of the "Wild Woman" (which actually means a natural woman)

  • To recognize yourself in the female characters of fairy tales and find them in your life

  • Fill yourself with positive female energy

  • Breaking the myths of "normal" about female energy

  • "Sing your song"

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Image by Marc-Olivier Jodoin

"I will become what I am not, everything I want,

Crazy and wise and wild at the same time"

"Sin", N. Dizdar

If storytelling, creative workshop, and women's circle had a child, it would be called a female mythical encounter.

What can you expect from the meeting?





Listening to a mythical story that revives your imagination and awakens your physical senses

Interpretation of story symbols and archetypal analysis of its characters and metaphorical images

Connecting in the circle of women through sharing their stories, experiences and impressions

Creative exercises, games and work with imagination in accordance with the theme of the meeting

Where do we meet?

In order to make our gathering as relaxed and pleasant as possible, I want to host you in my home in Zagreb. My home address is in Čučerje, a former mountainside village, and today a neighborhood that is part of Zagreb's Gornja Dubrava. Just half an hour from the city center, we will be surrounded by nature, forest and greenery, and I will also show a family wooden house from 1925, which is a protected cultural property of the City of Zagreb.

Our meeting will take place in a newly renovated space that is decorated in a rustic tone and will fit perfectly into the theme and ambiance of the evening.

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What does each encounter include?

Participation in a encounter lasting 4 hours with included materials for work

Delicious snacks during the meeting with coffee and tea

Summary of the interpretation of the fairy tale (symbolism of characters and motifs) in the form of an infographic

Entry into the Club of Mythical Women, with which you get a 10% discount on meeting price options

Pricing options

Prijavi se na mitska pisma i saznaj nove datume ovakvih susreta

  • Što ako me privlači ovaj program, a nisam se ranije susrela s knjigom "Žene koje trče s vukovima?
    Ja kažem: "nema veze". Ako te je nešto dublje privuklo bez obzira na spomenutu knjigu, to je i i više nego dovoljno. Nije nužno da si (pro)čitala knjigu "Žene koje trče s vukovima". Na svakom susretu pripovjedam bajku i nakon toga te vodim kroz njezino dublje tumačenje i interpretaciju. P.S.: Susreti su otvoreni za žene svih dobi bez obzira na profesionalnu pozadinu, znanje i iskustvo. :)
  • Ne mogu biti prisutna na svakom susretu. Postoji li snimke susreta?
    Nema problema, snimku uz dodatne potencijalne materijale ćeš dobiti na digitalnoj platformi u roku od 24 sata od svakog susreta.
  • Zainteresirana sam samo za jednu mitsku stanicu na ovom programu. Mogu li sudjelovati samo na jednom susretu?
    Ne, ovo sam putovanje zamislila kao jednu koherentnu cjelinu i svaka je stanica dio jedne velike slike tako da se možeš prijaviti jedino na cjelokupni program.
  • Jesam li članica Kluba mitskih žena i je li kao takva ostvarujem neku dodatnu pogodnost?
    Ukoliko si kupila mitski e-paket "Pronađi sebe u vilinskom krugu slavenskiih božica i bića" ili sudjelovala na jednom ženskom mitskom susretu ili krugu 2022. i 2023. godine, daaa! Ti si TA mitska žena (nije nužno da si unutar istoimene Facebook grupe) i dobivaš kupon s kojim ostvaruješ popust na program od čak 50EUR. Ukoliko si zainteresirana za ostvarenje popusta, javi se na
  • I'm an introvert by nature, so I get (a little) anxious when I'm in a circle of unknown people. How many of us are there at the meeting?
    I myself have one foot deep in the world of introverts, so I am at a meeting of up to 10 women. This is a fact that I believe will encourage you to come anyway. :) But the most important thing of all - take it easy and give yourself time (we are surrounded by the phrase "get out of your comfort zone" too much). This feeling was felt by some women in past meetings (the type when they had to introduce themselves), but then it was somehow immediately relieving for that person to hear that others felt the same way. Before I started "honing" my presentation skills myself, I was like that. I felt terrible when I had to say something in front of a group of people (that's why I didn't raise my hand in the air in high school when I wanted to say something in class). Until I came to presentation skills training and saw that I could still do it. My self-confidence came with the action when I said to myself, "well, I managed to present it anyway, and I'm working on some mistakes for the next time". Even today it came to the fact that I actually adore the "performance". This is a clear example that you know that a lot of things are realistically possible for you too.
  • Who is this meeting NOT for?
    Not for: that woman who is skeptical about working with archetypes through myth and fairy tale does not believe or agree with the Jungian approach to the analysis of dreams, fairy tales and myths who is persuaded to come to the meeting who frantically goes from workshop to workshop (or self-help book/new age technique) because she is looking for a "key" solution to her problem or need who is looking for an opportunity to be in the center of attention of (un)famous people who is not interested in personal development
  • Is there a possibility to return the money?
    It is not possible to get a refund, but you can transfer the ticket to another name, no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.
  • Imaš dodatnih pitanja?
    Javi mi se e-mailom na i zajedno ćemo istražiti je li mitski program "Zagrli vučicu u sebi" najbolji sljedeći korak za tebe.

Nisi još spremna za susret?

Nema forsiranja, sve u svoje vrijeme. :) Predlažem ti da istražiš koje sam poklone pripremila za tebe.

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"Creative fire", trade for services

owner Lorena Vlahovski

Zagreb, Čučerska cesta 192

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Do you want to learn more about the other side of myths, fairy tales and folklore through archetypal analysis? Sign up for mythical letters (only in Croatian) and be inspired by mythical goddesses, fairy tale heroines and other creatures of mythical stories.

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